Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Devil Commands (1941), Edward Dymtryk.

Long-winded claptrap! Terrible script, by Milton Gunzberg (who wrote almost nothing else) and Robert Hardy Andrews (who wrote "Tarzan Goes to India")! Too bad the devil never even shows up to this one. Boris Karloff goes off the deep end when his wife is killed in car accident - hooks up with humourless clairvoyant, blady blady blah. Don Miller, in his book B Movies (1987), indicated that Edward Dmytryk directed "some" scenes - and now I know what he and others meant when they speak of B-movies as a 9-5 job, thankless drudgery, and a professional ghetto to get out of. I was really hoping the deep-sea diver pictured above was writing "Why did my agent get me this part..."

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