Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Sons of Katie Elder (1965), Henry Hathaway.

Let's bow our heads and speak to this rocking chair like she's still here.

Katie Elder has a few things in common with Mrs Bates of Psycho. Physical evidence of her abounds although we never meet her. We see Mrs Bates' shadow in the window and that old Victorian mattress imprinted with the shape of her resting body. In this flick, though, we are told up front that the mother has died -- doesn't make it less creepy.

Another shrug from me for a Wayne film. Not a shambles, but stilted and slow moving. We don't see a saloon until 58 minutes in; even though we are told John Wayne is a bad-ass, he mainly hangs his head in remorse. I'm starting to think that the general trend for westerns in the 60s was bloated laziness. Another case where I prefer the remake (Four Brothers). I firmly believe Hollywood should remake crappy old flicks and leave the good ones alone.

Yes, that is your dead mother's dress judging you as you practice card tricks.

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