Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A Kiss Before Dying (1956), Gerd Oswald.

Is this a teen-noir?  Lusciously filmed in sunny California, there's also many shots such as the one above, that show how drippingly gorgeous all those neon-lit nightclubs really were.  This film is also robustly a 50s teen flick, with a very young Robert Wagner as a self-motivated college kid who goes on a killing spree!  OK, so it said "spree" on the box.  Rather, he rids himself of a clingy girlfriend who is on the outs with her wealthy dad.  Then Joanne Woodward walks into the picture, and completely steals it away.  Somewhat predictable, and maybe a gaudier A Place in the Sun, but intriguing.  Cinematography is by Lucien Ballard, who was later associated with Sam Peckinpah.  I would argue the mise-en-scene and cinematography combine to lend dignity to the characters, and just make the actors that much more beautiful.

Soda Shop, complete with View Master rack! 

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