Saturday, April 30, 2011

El Mariachi (1992), Robert Rodriguez.

The mariachi's opponent: a sombrero wearing dork with a casio.

Released the same year as Reservoir Dogs and Man Bites Dog, El Mariachi was one of those super-popular, low-budget flicks drenched in violence that appeared to indicate there was a new generation of talented young filmmakers on the loose.  Remy Belvaux (Man Bites Dog) died by his own hand in a suicide in 2006, Quentin Tarantino is now an Oscar winner and Robert Rodriguez is currently working on Spy Kids 4.  Huh.

El Mariachi is not a bad shoestring effort: the location is well used, the unknown cast adds authenticity and local colour.  The story moves along and is punctuated with humour.  It's a generally neat and tidy (81 minute) little tale.  Rodriguez's more recent Machete with its absurd comic book braggadocio and corny action leaves you wishing he still had a hero like the humble El Mariachi up his sleeve.

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