Monday, November 16, 2009

Phenix City Story (1955), Phil Karlson.

Surely taught in all the Film 101 classes.  Another one that steals its visual approach from the documentary still photography found in Life, Look and Time Magazine.  Tells the story of a lawless town located in Alabama, next to an army base, ruled by VICE:  girls, gambling, dope, violence.  Locals try to clean the town up, but face increasingly terrifying tactics from whoever is profiting (an interesting reference is made that implies the local toughs are only running the show for fatter, unseen cats).  Based on fact.  The leads are very strong and well-acted.  How unfortunate that the pristine heroes portrayed here in fiction later in reality advocated for segregation and resisted all progress in the civil rights movement. 

Director Karlson has a diploma from the world of B-movies, having worked on many Monogram pictures.

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